About Garlicloves

close up of garlic scapes on the plants in a field


It all started for us in 2012.  We planted a dozen bulbs of Ontario grown garlic at our home in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario.  We were impressed by the size and vigor of the garlic plant and even more by the superior flavour, pungency and shelf life of locally grown garlic.

The next three years were spent collecting and replanting many different garlic varieties from festivals across Ontario.  We maintained meticulous sets of data for each variety and in very short time, our small half acre lot was entirely planted with garlic.  We then secured an extra patch of land for the next few years to expand our inventory and promote sales at local markets and festivals. 

By the fall of 2017, we were growing 24 varieties and 10,000 bulbs of garlic.  On short notice, our expansion land was no longer available to us.  With nowhere to plant, we were prepared to lose most of our inventory. 

Then by some great chance or miracle we saw a local posting offering the opportunity to share land and labours of a one acre garlic field.  This is when we met Melissa, Ted and Sandy Spearing in Bethany.  Together they have been absolute saviors to our Garlicloves business.  They have educated us in every step of growing garlic on a larger scale.  They have also provided us with an endless supply of labour, equipment, storage, irrigation, food and friendship. We are forever grateful.


Today, we continue to grow our garlic in the Kawartha Lakes at our Bethany location.  We have also started growing garlic at our new Minden location in Haliburton County. 

   Marchand & Corin    

Field of garlic, hand harvested garlic, digging garlic with a fork, bethany garlic